A Different Brush



Once I worked with the Topaz Impressions Plug In for a few months, I’ve noticed I’ve been experimenting with the different brushes within the menu of each painting style choice.  This is a feature where there is a default brush chosen for each style but you can change it if you want.

They have chosen the particular default brush for a reason so experimenting can produce ungodly results but, occasionally, I have found that choosing the “Impasto” overall painting style and experimenting with brushes often produces choices I like.  This one of a bunch of white peonies in a silver pitcher is exhibit A.  I wanted the brush to be a bit more detailed so the folds of the peony blossom could be suggested.  The default brush had less definition and more blur.

This is the original photo.  In between using the Topaz Impressions plug in, I applied a texture to vary the tonal values in the background but in essence this was a three step final result: original photo, textured photo, Impressions Plug In.
