Does George H. W. Bush like Fiddleheads?

They are a vegetable.  A spring vegetable.  I just went to a fancy restaurant in Boston and they were on the menu.  Although, truth be told, they were disguised on the plate.  No need to ask why a disguise might be useful after seeing my photo.

I looked them up in Wikipedia. A couple of varieties had “heath” issue next to them.  Heath issue as in “carcinogenic”.  Good Lord.

It’s a vegetable.  It looks weird. And, some varieties may be carcinogenic?

Any marketing ideas, Don Draper?  I think I’ll take the beans account, thank you.

Maine is very familiar with them.  I wonder if George H.W. Bush, my favorite broccoli hater, ever ate a fiddlehead while in Kennebunkport?

He is the source, and my nominee, for best presidential quote ever. EVER.

“I do not like broccoli. And, I haven’t liked it since I was a kid and my mother made me eat it.  And I am the President of the United States and I’m not going to eat anymore of it.-George H.W. Bush-