June 1st: I won’t be wearing white shoes.


Last week was a foreshadowing of this final newsletter. I was tiring of listening to myself opine and that was seven days ago!  This week? Seven horrendous days later? I’m tired of everyone’s opinion except Trevor Noah.

They say June 1st is the first day of the hurricane season, a season that looks particularly ominous. More ominous than the news? My ominous meter exploded this week.  Also, June 1st is supposedly when I can wear white shoes. See? I’ve got nothin’ helpful.  Not only do I NOT want to hear my opinions, but I also can’t even form them.   Thanks for all your kind responses to these past few months of links and thoughts and creative ventures.  As of today, June 1st, 2020, I have officially lost my voice but who knows? It may come back. Or maybe I’ll just start singing the news headlines for you as they did in the 17th century according to Steve Johnson, the author.

If I do find a voice again, and you want to listen, it will probably be right here on this website.

Take care of yourselves and even though it’s June 1st, you can rely on this remaining true: I won’t ever be wearing white shoes. E.V.E.R.