Optimism (Fear-The Series)


I’ve been feeling more optimistic these days despite. Well, despite everything.

I’m not alone, apparently. Recent polls say that quite a few Americans are feeling more optimistic about the economy since the inauguration.

You would not know it on Talk Radio which by total and utter mistake I heard a few snippets of yesterday in the middle of the monsoon.

Something happened while the naysayers were droning on.

It was pouring out, literally buckets at a time, making 2PM look like twilight.

Their shrill voices were bemoaning the end of the world and, then, something happened.

The leaden sky began to break apart with light.

I turned the carpers off and took out my camera.

Skies don’t lie. Nor do I.

This image I would not have created two months ago.

It is cockeyed with optimism, don’t you think?

It is mother nature, just not on the same day.

But, the miracle is: it is my nature on this day and I feel only one thing.


©Pat Coakley 2009


4 Replies to “Optimism (Fear-The Series)”

  1. “The leaden sky began to break apart with light.” I love that line. and the photograph feels cheerful. (we had some thunder and lightning too) the sky isn’t falling no, it’s raising up in the glory of gratitude. beautiful post, thank you.

  2. May there be many more days like this for you, Pat. Many, many more. It’s high time for the light to show itself and remind us of positivity. What a beautiful post you have written here. Once again, your photo has the quality of a dream – something which is there but not quite tangible.

  3. Pleasant under glass. Safety and optimism too seem to be the message from behind your windshield and your lens.
    I love the elements of this photo Pat. The darks and lights move your eyes right across the entire image.
    Optimism going viral. Why not?
    I”m reading Dreams From My Father. This man can think, write, engage, analyze, assess and coalesce. He’s what we deserve.

    I’ve been taking in the news via C- Span, the quiet news channel.
    Just give me the event. I think I can analyze the content for myself without aid or dubious benefit of a snarky, thick necked, thick skulled rightie with a red tie, or an inappropriately smiling female hairdo with a penchant for repeating the name of her co-anchor 16 times during her last comment.

    Just the facts, maam, just the facts.

    Been away for a week without internet access. So much catching up to do.

  4. Tipota, I need to remember this lesson of gratitude. It’s a good anti-anxiety medication!

    Epic, you are right…tangible but not quite there…perfectly said.

    Bonnie girl, Yea! You are back. I always miss your voice. You’ll see in back posts that C-span has been my channel as well! Absolutely right. And, love your description of the snarky thick necks and repetitious hairdos!

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