What Dr. Fauci didn’t say. (Ok, only what I think he didn’t say.)

Recently, I read an article that asked Dr. Fauci and four other esteemed experts in infectious diseases what they do and don’t do in their personal and family life with respect to COVID-19.

You can read it here.

All of them said they had a cleaning woman coming to their house throughout lockdown. ALL. Of. Them. What I think Dr. Fauci and the others didn’t say: “Yes, they still came but it was against my better judgment.”

Since Dr. Fauci is the only one I have listened to over the past months I just smiled when he said he did have a cleaning person come but one room was closed off or some other such “explanation” why it was a risk he was willing to take. He is 79 years old. His wife is 67. Both are in the “risk” category but clearly, at 79 years old Dr. Fauci carries more risk.

Dr. Fauci’s wife works and I suspect when it came to house cleaning it was not negotiable. “Darling, someone has to do it and it’s not going to be you or me.” Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe they never had a cleaning service before COVID19? But, I know this.

We all have marked a bridge too far in our conformity to this threat. Some say currently that a mask is that bridge too far. Some said wiping down groceries when brought home was that bridge. Some said they would not step foot in a grocery store and depended on others to bring them food. Others said going to the grocery store at 75 years of age was a necessity so we did it. Others declared all family members, whether living with them or not, were part of their “safe” bubble.

And, so it is with the experts as well. The fascinating thing about the article was they all had rationales for what they did or did not do. Just like all of us normal folks do.

Some varied: one said getting a haircut was not on his “safe to do” list. Others said it was safe but with provisions. But, they all agreed on one thing: they all have cleaning services or individuals who did the house cleaning throughout Phase 1, 2, and 3.

What stands out to me is my understanding that in the beginning of the lockdown “surfaces” were highly focused on as transmission channel for the virus. I thought then, at least in the beginning, that the thought of asking a cleaning service to continue would be endangering them as well as my 75-year-old self.

Now, the focus of transmission seems to be less on surfaces than the air literally that people breathe, in and out, particularly, in an indoor situation. Not just talking to someone, or singing, but just simple breathing and those aerosol elements in the breath can linger for 3 hours in a room AFTER that person has left.

I was advised to request that the person cleaning had to wear a mask the entire time she cleaned and I had to wear a mask for three hours AFTER she left, inside my house all by myself. Three Hours masked. Not a soul in sight. What do you suppose the compliance rate on that is?

We all manage risk each in our own way. Even experts and their wives.

When I’m not thinking deep thoughts, I take photographs of gardens, mine, and just about anyone’s garden I pass. Here are some of the photos that literally transport me to another world and traveling to another world sounds like a tip-top idea right about now. See if you agree.
