Meet Pete and Seamus Heaney and W.B. Yeats. A Grandfather Living in a Bird-Glade during Covid19.

Meet Pete, and Seamus Heaney (and W.B. Yeats) Living in a Bird-Glade during Covid19.

My colleague Peter from years ago agreed to be interviewed and all I can say is he has names for his chipmunks, can name all the birds in his bird-glade, goes twice a week to dialysis, and I am applying to be his third grandchild.

Click below on the white arrow and listen to Peter’s story about the last three months of living with the menace of Covid19. And then, look at the table and chairs he made for his grandson, Finn, with cushions sewn by his grandmother, Jane, and his granddaughter’s five-year-old painting which “blew him away” and he’s not exaggerating.